Saturday, 21 June 2014

What are the pros and cons of a vegetarian diet?

Fats in the diet of vegetarians
Vegetarian diets compared to traditional diets provide more energyof fat . Depending on the type of vegetarian diet also exist in the delivery according to saturated fatty acids.

Vegetarians have higher content of linoleic acid and less arachidonic acid . Suitable lipid profile in vegetarian diets is important in the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Vegetarian diet and cholesterol
Cholesterol is found only in animal products. For this reason, its consumption is dependent on the typedietvegetarian. However, vegetarians consume a lot of grain products, vegetables and fruits, which are a source of fiber , binding cholesterol, helping to reduce its content in blood serum and anti-atherosclerotic effect showing.
Reduced blood pressure
A vegetarian diet lowers blood pressure. This is caused by frequent consumption by vegetarians foods rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E .

In the diets of vegetarians is also observed lower intake of saltKitchensAnd hence sodium. Sodium accumulation in the muscle cells of blood vessels increases their susceptibility to stimuli shrinkage, which in turn leads to an increase in pressure, so vegetarians often have lower blood pressure

 . Some believe, however, that lowering blood pressure in vegetarians is caused by lifestyle - including greater physical activity, lower body weight. important factor in lowering blood pressure is potassium . A deficiency of this nutrient causes sodium retention, which raises blood pressure. The main sources of potassium are fruits and vegetables, which in vegetarian diets is missing.

Less susceptibility to diabetes
The studies showed a lower incidence of diabetes among vegetarians, especially type II diabetes . This is due to the consumption of larger quantities offibers , especially cellulose - water insoluble fiber and pectin - the water-soluble dietary fiber, consumption of food with a lower glycemic index. U vegetarians are less likely to rapid changes in the level of glucose in the blood serum, which also acts preventively.
See also: Vegetarians are less prone to heart disease

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