Given the changes that have occurred within the meaning of the degree of subjective agency in terms of taking care of their own health, we can speak of twomodelshealth education : traditional (based on the paradigm of biomedical) and modern (based on the paradigm of socjoekologicznym).
The traditional model , according to Andrew KrawaĆskiego and Alice Kaiser, has two variants. The first is to simply add to theprogramcontent of school education in the field of medical knowledge, such as expansion of the program on the subject of "biomedical basis of development and education."
The second one is based on the belief that taken during the health problems of school education is not limited only to questions of bio-medical, but also includes the social, cultural, political, etc. Therefore, it is necessary - in addition to the introduction of a separate subject areas - integration into the curriculum different subjects issues of socialization care.
On the other hand model modern health education combined with the interactivity, ie the orientation of the full involvement of the student in the acquisition and application of knowledge concerning health, including knowledge of the socio-political and economic conditions.
Through health promotion while the meaning of "[...] a system of social activities aimed at improving the health and quality of life of societies." The elements of health promotion are: health education, disease prevention, and local health policy and its objectives are:
improving social and individual consciousnesshealth , fostering taking control of their own health and "[...] the development and strengthening of health resources inherent in the individual and its environment." But the main objective and at the same time the desired effect of the measures taken in the field of health promotion is health literacy. (...)
Is health promotion in the media is always right?
For health promotion and health education can not be approached uncritically, because they are saturated with many noncontrolling interests to eliminate contradictions. Miroslaw Cylkowska-Smith argues that the actions of health promotion are often burdened kontradykcjami not so much as even sins.
These lists include: overly simplistic approach to health (the use of antinomy: perfect health - a deadly disease), identifying the health of the commodity, and the patient with the consumer, forcing the medical definition of the social experience of people putting unrealistic
claims regarding the reliability of medical knowledge, expectation that clinical practice has always been effective, the use of context wyabstrahowanymi statistics, criticizing people who do not report to follow up (and even their punishment, for example, by increasing health insurance premiums),
focusing only on issues that are in the range of interest in medicine (especially the so-called. risk factors), and ignoring the issue of social, cultural, spiritual, psychological, etc.). (...)
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