Thursday, 26 June 2014

extraordinary results of treatment with low doses of natural inteferona, the success of therapy is between 80 and 100% . The main objective of the local treatment with interferon is the inhibition of the installation of the HPV genome in yet uninfected cells, which make up the vaginal mucosa and cervical.

The HPV vaccine is calculated completely eradicate the risk of this dangerous infection. Alternative Treatments With respect to the prevalence of the virus, and the possibility of spontaneous self-healing of the virus and the high percentage of cure is recommended protected sex (condom)

. In any case, it is good to know that a condom for virus does not provide absolute protection. In this way easier to create the conditions for self-cleaning viruses, but also reduces the amount of virus that is transmitted during sexual intercourse between partners. Numerous scientific studies show a correlation of cervical dysplasia and HPV virus of low-antioksadivnih vitamin A (beta-carotene),

C and E, as well as vitamin B complex (especially folic acid). It is for this reason it is recommended to increase the intake of antioxidant vitamins (Carotenoid Complex, Flavnoid Complex, Betaguard) and folic acid in the diet. Birth control pills may increase the likelihood of abnormal epithelium, although the mechanism for this is unknown. There is talk of greater sexual freedom and a large number of partners, although the most likely reason lies in the reduced levels of vitamin B and folic acid in the blood

 known and potent antioxidant effects have also preparations of aloe vera (Aloe Vera Plus Aloe Vera Gel). The stimulation of the immunological response at the correct nutrition, smoking cessation and alcohol consumption, plays an important role stress reduction, proper schedule of daily activities and daily rest
periods. Stimulation of the local immunological response vagina is achieved by regeneration and strengthening of the natural vaginal flora (Vagisan vag, Doderlein Med). Bibliography: 1.Expertengremium der Deutschen STD-Gesellschaft. Condylomata acuminata und andere

 HPV-assoziirte Krankheitsbilder des Genital und der Harnröhre. Leitlinie der Deutschen STD-Gesellschaft, Juni 2000. 2.Woodman et al. Natural history of cervical human papillomavirus infection and young women: a longitudinal cohort study. Lancet 2001; 357 (9271): 1831-1836 3.Kahn JA et al. Mediators of the Association Between Age of First Sexual Intercourse and Subsequent Human Papilloma I

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