Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Urban myths about the pill

The researchers interviewed 55 women from Glasgow and Edinburgh, and discover some of the most common myths and misconceptions about contraception. The discovery was published in the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. In addition to this most urban myth, but some women are confident to be able to take hormonal contraception in later life and damage their fertility.

The author of the research, Professor Anna Glasier commented: "Myths and wrong perceptions are fairly common. It should be noted that the pill does not affect fertility, most of them do not affect the weight. "
Physicians should your patient on the Functioning of hormonal contraception, pay a bit more time
, she added.  Women who have migraines may be more likely to notice that the attacks of headaches often occur before or immediately at the start of menstrual bleeding

. Such phenomena form of migraine in women may change during pregnancy or menopause. migraines can be caused by several other factors: genetics 

, age and health condition (high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, stroke and epilepsy). Though the attack can not be avoided, with the help of appropriate therapies and changes in lifestyle habits, which exclude certain factors, migraines can be prevented or mitigated.



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