Thursday, 26 June 2014

Nutrition during pregnancy and allergies

Dutch scientists have good research on fetal development up to the age of the fifth year of her age track of 1253 children. survey showed that there were children whose mothers during pregnancy week consumed at least four apples, a 37% lower risk of breathing problems 46% lower risk of asthma symptoms,
 as well as 53% lower risk formal diagnosis of asthma. Researchers believe that the survey results can be explained by the effect the operation of flavonoids and other antioxidants contained in apples.
study further confirmed that children whose mothers during pregnancy on the menu at least once a week ranked fish on average 43% lower risk of eczema. many experts recommend that pregnant

 women avoid eating nuts, peanuts and shellfish, because some data suggest that it may be mentioned foods increases the chances of allergies in children.   

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