Supports weight loss, better digestion, disease management type 2 diabetes, promote metabolism, enhance skin health ... is the prominent use of coconut oil that you can not ignore.Coconut Oil - Essential oils for health and beauty Want to lose weight fast eat coconut oil Tropical foods have a lot of health effects. Here are the effects of coconut oil, you can refer to them using the most appropriate and useful. 1.
Coconut oil contains healthy fats to provide energy for the body Coconut oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, short-term (MCFAs). This fatty acid "healthy" than trans fats. Consuming trans fat is believed to cause diseases such as heart disease, depression and increased levels of cholesterol in the body.
Consuming fat MCFA in coconut oil can do for your body? The body will metabolize fat in the liver, immediately turn them into energy (fuel supply to the brain and promote muscle function) rather than storing it as fat trans. 2. Weight control studies have examined the association between consumption of coconut oil to speed weight loss women and found that coconut oil works to help reduce belly fat sister.
The researchers discovered coconut oil is easily digested and also protects the body from insulin resistance should be limited appetite and insatiable eating. In addition, the fat in coconut oil that converts into energy, raw material supply to the body so you do not need too much load on the calories. You can add coconut oil to lose weight by adding a teaspoon coffee coconut oil into the diet each day and gradually increased to four teaspoons per day.
7 great effects of coconut oil that you should know first
3. Supports digestive
If you have poor digestion or stomach bloating, try adding coconut oil to your diet to remedy this situation. Coconut oil is said to be effective in reducing gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome and eliminate microorganisms causing abdominal discomfort.
Fatty acids in coconut oil have anti-bacterial properties, it can affect bacteria, eliminates bacteria like candida or parasite causing poor digestion. 4. Management of Type 2 Diabetes A recent study of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Australia) found that coconut oil may protect against insulin resistance, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Fats MCFA small enough to be absorbed into the cells where rapid and converted into energy.
This process not only reduces the amount of fat stored in the body which also works to improve insulin sensitivity, which helps the body to "manage" diabetes very well. 5. Supports immunity Coconut oil is made from healthy fats lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid ..
. acids may antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, they boost the immune system stronger. Lauric acid that contains the highest concentration of fatty acids MCFA (about 75%), body fat will turn into monolaurin - a compound that can help heal diseases caused by viruses such as herpes, influenza .. .7 great effects of coconut oil that you should know 2
6. Promote metabolism
A study reported in the American Journal of Nutrition suggests that coconut oil raises the metabolism. The researchers found that participants consuming two tablespoons of coconut oil per day burned more calories than those who consumed less. Thus, the metabolism faster, enhances the immune system of the body and also works to help you lose weight effectively. 7. Reduces wrinkles, anti-aging
Dua not only for your recipes - it's also a great product for the treatment of skin moisturizer. Coconut oil helps keep connective tissues of healthy skin, prevent skin sagging and appearance of wrinkles . Apply coconut oil directly to the skin to soften your skin, enhance skin health, reduce the risk of wrinkles and skin aging.
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