Apparently uncertain, symptoms of anemia may mislead the patient about the diagnosis or even unnoticed, because it confused with the minor shortcomings of everyday life that our body has. Ideally, seek medical attention if these signs appear - and intensify with physical exercise - to ensure an accurate opinion and to identify the causes.
Before speaking of his evidence, let the definition: Anemia is a condition in which insufficient in size and number of red blood cells - or the amount of hemoglobin they contain - limits the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood cells and tissue.
Most anemia is caused by a lack of nutrients needed for normal synthesis of erythrocytes, particularly iron , vitamin B12 and folic acid. Others result from a variety of conditions, such as hemorrhage, genetic abnormalities, chronic pathological conditions, bone marrow problems infection or drugs.
Those resulting from inadequate intake of iron, vitamins, copper and other nutrients are often called nutritional anemias.
Types and Symptoms of anemia
Drop in blood pressure , pallor, excessive tiredness, dizziness, weakness, muscle pain, drowsiness , shortness of breath, shortness of breath, palpitations, and tachycardia are among the main symptoms of anemia. In most cases, a few simple blood tests can detect the cause, so keep your medical check up and updated nutrition is extremely important.
If you think there is only iron deficiency anemia, you're wrong. There are several types, so it pays to know the most common:
Iron deficiency anemia: characterized by inadequate iron intake through diet. The sources of iron are red meat, oysters, fish, viscera, asparagus, oats, grains, nuts, dark green vegetables, egg yolk, nuts, molasses, broccoli. Several factors influence the bioavailability of dietary iron. The rate of absorption depends on the individual state of iron, as reflected by the level of iron stores.
The lower iron stores, the greater the absorption, because your body has been deprived of this nutrient. Therefore, it is recommended to include absorption enhancers in the diet, such as vitamin C , for example. It binds to iron, forming a complex for easy absorption.
Then, include a source of vitamin C with each meal. The more foods rich in this vitamin are: Pineapple, acerola, guava, cashew, kiwi, orange, lemon, papaya, strawberry, tangerine, watercress, beet, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, yellow pepper, mustard, cabbage, arugula, parsley and celery, broccoli.
Megaloblastic Anemia caused by vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency.
The sources of vitamin B12 are meat, liver, kidney, eggs, fish, milk and cheese. The sources of folic acid are: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, offal, legumes, dairy products, apricot, orange, banana, sweet potato, broccoli, spinach, barley, wheat bread.
Copper deficiency anemia: in this case, as the person does not have sufficient amount of copper in the body, iron can not be released, leading to low levels of serum iron and hemoglobin, even in the presence of normal iron stores. The quantity of copper necessary for normal hemoglobin synthesis are so small that, in general,
are supplied by a proper diet. The sources of copper are: brown sugar, artichoke, raw and roasted peanuts, rice, oats, broccoli, cocoa powder, crab, beef, Brazil nuts, barley, chocolate, mushrooms, peas, lentils, egg yolk, bread rye, radish.
Sideroblastic anemia (vitamin B6 responsive) are required 25-100 times the nutritional recommendations of this vitamin, and treatment can last for a lifetime. The sources of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) are: pork, milk, eggs, potatoes, oatmeal, banana, wheat germ.
Anemia responsive to vitamin E: hemolysis occurs (death) of early erythrocytes. The sources of vitamin E are wheat germ, wheat germ oil, soybean oil, rice, maize, cotton, sunflower, egg yolk, leafy vegetables and legumes.
There are two types of iron in foods: heme iron (high availability features, present in greater amounts in meat) and nonheme iron (low availability, present in greater amounts in vegetables). So it is good to be aware and always eat some food that contains this nutrient. Foods rich in these elements are:
Heme iron (high bioavailability): meat (red, poultry, fish and seafood); offal (liver, heart, kidney, gizzard, lung, tongue, tripe, tripe, tripe) and processed meats (sausages, hams, mortadella, salami, blanquet).
Non-heme iron (low bioavailability): legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, lupins, soybeans, peanuts); vegetables (taro, yams); leafy (spinach, kale, watercress, bertalha, broccoli, arugula and smell); egg yolk; seeds (walnut, chestnut); cane sugar, brown sugar, molasses, brown sugar and fortified and enriched (corn flakes, chocolate, biscuits fortified) foods.
Do not wait for symptoms of anemia settle - indeed, of any disease! Always keep a healthy diet and consult a nutritionist so you can adjust their menu to their real needs.
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