Sunday, 6 July 2014

Maintain oral health involves an investigation of the body!

The doctor ordered additional tests , now what? "Each time a person enters the office, the assessment of your problem must be made ​​from whole, not isolated the problem. After all, our mouth is not separate from our bodies, then everything that happens in one reflects the other. And vice versa.

Once, a patient came into my office to find out the source of your bad breath . On examining it, I noticed that your oral health is not presented anything that could be the cause of their trouble   

. The answer came in the anamnesis , which is the general analysis of the state of the individual. He told me he was already in medical treatment who had just discovered that she had developed a framework for diabetes , disease characterized, among other symptoms, the presence of ketone breath.

In many situations, we could not immediately detect what type of problem a tooth (or all) features. From there, use extra features to define a proper diagnosis. Famous are the complementary examinations .

The role of laboratory tests
Supplementary examinations serve to complete the diagnosis that show characteristic signs of a disease. In this general analysis fit the radiographs , performed in the same institute appropriate or in the office, the anamnesis , which are the questions about the health of a patient, and laboratory tests ,

 blood, urine, etc..
The latter, laboratory, are not normally requested by the dentist, but now have been most used, due to the increasing demand of interested in performing dental implants . Measure blood pressure is also a practice that should become habit in dental offices. Many patients have been referred to a cardiologist or other specialist, to have an alteration of health found by  additional tests . 

It is important to understand that an infection in the mouth means an infection in our body, is no less important or requires little attention. If it remains too long without due care can spread, as is the case with  bacterial endocarditis , when characteristics of mouth bacteria lodge in the heart and to develop an infection,

bacteremia, septcemia or other disease. Only additional tests may indicate which way to go with each patient.

So the next time your dentist request extra exam, do not ignore. Sometimes, what the patient thinks is small, it is only the tip of the iceberg. Take care always!

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