Friday, 4 July 2014

Apnea has no cure, but can be controlled. Find out how!

Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. It occurs when the airways are narrowed to the point that end up getting blocked. The apnea has no cure , but you can control it.

  This pause in breathing is called an apnea episode and there are many people face this situation while sleeping at different scales. Generally, during sleep , pharynx remains open enough to permit the passage of air. What happens in people who have apnea is that this part of the canyon is narrower. CPAP is considered the standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.

  Photo: Shutterstock CPAP is considered the standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Photo: Shutterstock Usually people who have sleep apnea snore too, precisely because snoring is caused by air trying to pass through the blocked airway .

Thus, as no cure apnea , snoring ends up becoming a big nuisance, especially when you sleep together. Apnea has no cure but can be treated Unfortunately, apnea has no cure , but there are some factors that may help reduce the occurrence of this sleep disorder.

  The major goal of treatment is to keep the airways open during the period in which we sleep. Apnea sufferers should take some preventive measures like avoiding the intake of alcohol and sedatives before bedtime, avoid sleeping belly up and maintain ideal weight.

 The apnea has no cure , but can also be addressed through more complex treatments, such as CPAP, which is a mask for continuous positive airway pressure.

This is considered the standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea in most people, although many of them do not tolerate treatment with CPAP, which is applied by a machine with a tight face mask. The use of dental appliances in the mouth at night to keep positioned farther forward, the jaw can also help some people reduce apnea. Since apnea has no cure , this simple caution can prevent the recurrence of the disorder.

 In some cases, surgery is the best option. This intervention can result in the removal of excess tissue in the back of the throat (called a tracheostomy), so as to create an opening in the trachea around the blocked

 respiratory tract. It is a procedure indicated if any physical problems or surgery on the nose or in the bone cavity. Remember that the surgery to remove the tonsils and adenoids may cure the disease in children, but she does not seem to be effective in most adults. For them, remains the understanding that the apnea has no cure . Complications that may arise

 As the apnea has no cure , if it is left untreated, other complications may arise. Because of daytime sleepiness , people with apnea have a higher risk of sleeping or falling asleep at the wheel during working hours. Untreated, sleep apnea can worsen some cardiovascular diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, high blood pressure, sexual dysfunction or stroke.

  There are some factors that can cause the problem, as certain formats palate , causing the airway is narrower or close more easily.

 Also tonsils and large adenoids in children are likely to block the airway. Other factors are the wide neck or collar bone (43cm or more in men and 40 cm or more in women) or a large tongue, which can wind and block the airway.

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