Did you know that there is a relationship between food and gas? More than that: it is possible to reduce its effects, eating the right foods. The gases accumulate in the end region of intestine are released and the voluntary or not. Can cause great discomfort due to abdominal distension and generate to some social embarrassment.
This relationship between food and gas begins by carbohydrates , since most of the food containing these gases cause biomolecules. Raffinose, for example, is present in the beans and other legumes, and is not well digested, promotes fermentation. Gases also cause the cruciferous foods (such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower), which contains sulfur.
and gas supply
Change the power may be needed to avoid uncomfortable gases. Photo: Shutterstock
The natural sugar in milk and its derivatives, called lactose, and another that creates intestinal gas, especially in people who do not produce adequate amounts of lactase enzyme that digests the lactose. The fructose and sorbitol, sugars present in fruits, can also cause gas. http://www.kingofarticle.com/article.php?id=1315
The relationship between food and gas beyond. Eat potatoes, corn, pasta and wheat also influences the problem. The starch containing residues that are not absorbed and go to the large intestine where they are fermented by bacteria. In turn, red meat has a very slow digestion, which lasts 48 to 72 hours. Thus, there is greater action of bacteria in the large intestine. Moreover, many proteins are composed of amino acids having sulfur.
The fibers are great for maintaining a balanced diet , however mainly soluble (beans, peas, oats and present in fruits) can cause gas. http://articleshubsite.com/article.php?id=1744619
Control of food and gas
Although there is the relationship between power and gases, the problem varies from person to person and depending on the amount of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestine. Thus, the best way to avoid flatulence is shifting power to balance the intestinal flora . For this, you need to follow certain guidelines, as listed below:
- Eat foods with fructooligosaccharide (chicory, garlic, onion, artichoke, asparagus, tomato banana and other vegetables). They promote the growth of nonpathogenic bacteria also avoiding colds light;
- Reponha lactobacilli (yogurt and fermented milks) beneficamente to colonize the intestine. Um nutritionist can guide on the use of capsules, já that this QUANTITY em yogurt and fermented milks não can be enough;
- Reduce intake of bad fats (processed foods, fried, fatty meats and sausages) and excess protein (meat, poultry, cheese and other animal derivatives), facilitating digestion;
- Reduce your intake of refined sugar . To be poorly digested, it generates fermentation in the in
\testine and promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi;
- Include herbs (fennel, dill, cinnamon and cumin) in the diet. Helps prevent and relieve flatulence, relaxing the digestive tract; http://atcontent.com/post/38ePuFwwema.text/-/Melanie-Addington-Review-Beyonce-has-revealed-to-lose-weight
- Eat pineapple and papaya after meals. They act in the digestion of meat proteins because they have enzymes (papain and bromalina) that assist in the process;
- Eat and chew quietly and food. Dine hastily disrupts digestion and the bolus can reach the intestine without being digested properly;
- Avoid carbonated drinks and beer;
- Increase water intake by eating fiber. This will accelerate intestinal transit;
- Practice physical activities . A simple walk already helps in bowel movements and makes you better address this relationship between food and gas.
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